Lease AI aims to reduce costs for SMEs

A new AI for small to medium-sized landlords and tenants across the residential and commercial property sectors aims to open up legal services to the 90% of people that cannot access human legal services due to costs.

LISA, an AI developed by Robot Lawyer co-founder Chrissie Lightfoot in 2016 orginally offering a non-disclosure service, has now launched a new lease and lodging capability that allows landlords and tenants alike to cut out the middle man.

The online service, which sits in the cloud, has been developed with human lawyer expertise, but due to its machine impartiality, this means it can act on both sides of a deal. The AI service is not only more cost effective than visiting a human lawyer, but also takes less time. The process of creating a document can also be started anywhere in the world, at any time, on any device.

“We’ve always been looking at other ways LISA can support business people, industries and consumers in their professional and personal lives now, aligned with trends and projections surround the way we will all live, work, commmunicate and behave in the Robot Age in the months and years ahead,” said Lightfoot.

She added: “Property seemed to be an obvious choice, given the frequency with which agreements need to be drafted whenever properties or units are rented out on either a commercial or residential basis.

“In the UK, only one in 10 people and businesses take advice from a solicitor or barrister, meaning a huge proportion of small and medium businesses and consumers muddle on without legal representation because they don’t have the time, resources or feel comfortable talking to a human lawyer. LISA aims to solve that problem by giving the latent legal market an opportunity to self-help and self-serve by providing them with a convenient way to acheive quality legal advice they desperately want and need.”

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